Separate code blocks should be sent as separate messages.

**Verifying your Minecraft account on this Discord:**
Verification is required to:
- List restricted activities/channels
- ...

**You can verify 2 ways:**
1. Using ingame Hypixel profile settings
2. Using code verification.

Users which can't log into Hypixel, change their profile settings or have special characters in their Discord name must use option 2.

**Hypixel Profile Verification:**
This method sets up your Discord social setting in Hypixel, it __does not__ use `/discord`, this is for the official server only!

__Watch the video:__
**1.** Login to ``
**2.** Open your Profile (Second slot, your player head)
**3.** Click the "Social Media" head :twitter_head:
**4.** Left click on the "Discord" head :discord_head:
**5.** In chat it will say "Paste your Discord username or invite link in chat:". Copy your Discord username and tag (See image) into chat and press enter. Note: If you are in party or guild chat, first run `/chat all` for this step to work correctly.

Note: You should download and re-upload the attachment through Discord, instead of linking it, if you want a cleaner look.


**6.** Go to #bot-commands and run `/verify hypixel YourMinecraftUsernameHere`

**Code Verification:**
This method uses a custom Minecraft server to verify your account.

__Notes on this method:__
- For your privacy, logs are never saved on the verification server
- Reconnecting to the server will give you a new code each time, and invalidate the old one
- Do not share your code before verifying, as another user could verify using it. If someone uses your code, unverify by logging in to `` and try again.

__Watch the video:__

Note: Replace #bot-commands with your relevent command channel

**1.** Connect to the Minecraft server at `` (1.8.x-Latest Supported)
**2.** Return to #bot-commands and type the command it gives you (highlighted area below)

Note: You should download and re-upload the attachment through Discord, instead of linking it, if you want a cleaner look.

Note: Replace #bot-commands with your relevent command channel

**Updating your Rank/Account:**
Once you have verified, you can use `/rankupdate` at any time to update your Hypixel rank to the most recent one.

Minecraft accounts can only be verified to one Discord account at a time, if you wish to migrate Discord or Minecraft accounts, you will need to unverify using either `/unverify` or ``.

**Experiencing issues?**
If you experience any issues, DM a Discord Manager or Discord Staff member.

Note: You should remove the first sentence if you don't have Hypixel ranks enabled.